Jeremy had said he would meet me at the Duomo ticket place...since there are three entrances to the Duomo, it would have been better to name an intersection at which to meet. They were coming on the morning train from Pisa, so I should have had him text me when he got to the Duomo, but hindsight is always 20/20, isn't it? I sent him two messages and waited in the piazza for an hour and a half. I was almost ready to give up, when I saw a green baseball cap walk across the piazza with two backpack laden boys. I whistled. They turned. I yelled, "Mama Mia, mi bambinos!". Christmas in July.
We walked to our B&B where they laid on the bed in the air conditioning for a good 10 minutes, then they left their backpacks and we walked to a nearby pizzeria for lunch. We bought tickets for the Uffizi and spent nearly two hours walking through rooms filled with amazing art. We saw pieces by Filippo Lippi, Botticelli's Birth of Venus and La Primavera, Caravaggio's Bacchus, and my favorite, Bellini's Lamentation over the Body of Christ. Patty's favorite was Michaelangelo's Doni Tondo. The Renaissance painters introduced depth in paintings along with emotion, and I feel richer for having seen them. It was in the 80's outside, but the Uffizi was air conditioned and Jeremy showed Jordan just how good it feels when you find the main vent.
We walked back to our B&B by way of the Ponte Vecchia, the only bridge over the river Arno that wasn't destroyed during World War II. All of that hard tourist work deserved a treat, so we headed to a gelato shop where we each had a double scoop. Only Patty exhibited any manner of self control and that is because she had had a gelato when we were waiting for Jeremy. She thought you couldn't have gelato twice in a day. Really?
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