Monday, June 23, 2014

Dolomiti...Oh so Pretty!

After a delightful breakfast of cappuccinos, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, and some strawberry torte deliciousness, we left Le Vescovane and headed north and east.  We were on our way to the Dolomites, where hiking reigns.  

The routing in a car seems harder than the routing for cycling.  There are toll roads, and roundabouts, along with multiple exits at the same intersection.  If Pete is driving, Shirleen navigates, and vice versa.

We came to a small town called Lamon where there is a beautiful dam along the river and stopped for drinks.   I am feeling like I need a thesaurus....I need better words than beautiful....pretty.  When we got close to the Dolomites, we wanted to pull over at each turn out and take pictures, but there is simply no way to capture their majesty, no way to do justice to their rugged beauty.
We are staying in the Canali Valley at an Albergo called Cant del Gal.  The owners are kind and helpful and speak both Italian and German.  This area is fairly close to the Austrian border, and both Patty and I are anxious to try some of our high school German.  We went for a hike up to the Refugio Treviso in the afternoon and the weather...which had forecast thunderstorms and 100% chance of rain...was comfortable.  I would love to take pictures of these mountains against a backdrop of blue sky, but I was grateful for the day.  We took a LOT of pictures and I make no apologies for posting so many of them.

We ate dinner at the Cant del Gal, trying a couple of wines from areas that we will be cycling in about a week, Mezzolombardo and Lake Garda.  The menu offerings made it hard to choose, but Pete and Shirleen shared a meat platter that included lamb, beef steak, sausage, and pork loin, Patty had pork ribs with polenta, and I had lamb, with grilled vegetables all around.  We were about to dive into our dessert, Sachercake, which is a rich, chocolate torte, when we heard...rain.  A lot of rain.  A gully washer thunderstorm was bringing hail, rain, and lightning.  We had dodged the weather bullet today when we were hiking, but the next three days are supposed to be miserably wet.  

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